Never join a weight loss program that asks you to reduce calories. This reduction in calories is very unhealthy for you as it sets a new set point for your body. Calories are required to fuel your body and when you under eat, your body will slow down your metabolism and cannibalize muscle to meet the calorie intake.
At some point, you can't reduce your calories any more and your metabolism will be very slow. If you repeat this cycle, it will get more and more difficult for your body to loose weight. There is hope you can turn this around following these easy weight loss tips.
Eat Protein: steak, chicken or fish.
Eating protein is essential your metabolic health and keeping a fast metabolism. Not only does this fuel your muscles, but it is also in your bones, Cartlidge, skin and cellular repair.
Studies show the first meal is the most important time to eat protein and should be at least 30 grams minimum.
Studies show that if you eat 100 grams of protein in one meal would be the best and give your body a big boost in nutrients.
Protein especially essential as we grow older.
Protein is a fountain of youth and boosts muscle growth which will speed up your metabolism in no time. A higher metabolism will burn more calories without working out.
Don't Count Calories: Pay attention to macros
Prioritize protein and healthy fat. If you double your protein intake and include healthy fat, your need for carbohydrates will naturally go down.
Eat Closer to the Earth: Remove processed snacks
Eat nuts, vegetables, and fruit. There are so many benefits from the minerals and nutrients found in these whole foods.
When eating protein make sure it comes from an animal or plant source and not a processed source.
On this note, supplement with a protein shake or protein bar when necessary but check the ingredients. A lot of protein powders have unhealthy ingredients. A lot of protein bars have far more sugar and not a lot of protein.
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About PowerFit program
Our exercise and nutrition platform is centered at delivering workout programs with a variety of workouts tailored to your fitness level. We offer 30 day trial and you can cancel at anytime. We run body transformation challenges designed to give you an idea of programs, jump start your program and you can win prizes. This unique program doesn't focus on weight loss but activities completed geared to guide to taking steps closer to a healthier lifestyle.